Dhamma School

Our Dhamma School

The main purpose of the Dhamma School is to educate the younger Sri Lankan generation in Buddhism, Sinhala Language and Sri Lankan culture. Venerable Wanduramba Kassapa Thero started our Dhamma School in 2012 with just eight children. At present, we have more than fifty students enrolled in our school. Enrolments are open for anyone over the age of three years who is interested in learning Buddhism and the Sinhala language.

If you are interested in sending your child to our Dhamma School then please come and speak to the Dhamma School Principle, Mr Bandara Wannaku. Prior to the admission we will invite you and your child to a meeting with the head of our Dhamma School, Ven Wanduramba Kassapa thero.

Class Offered

Our Dhamma school offers a broad and balance curriculum that enable children of all ages to learn the life and teachings of the Buddha.


Our teachers assess their class children’s knowledge throughout the year. Children will be also sitting an annual end of year exams as part of Dhamma School’s assessment procedures. We think end of year exams are important as they allow children the opportunity to demonstrate the highest achievement of which they are capable and competent. Teachers will use the end of year exam results to determine the child’s progression to the next stage of the Dhamma School programme.

We are delighted to inform you that Athula Dassana Dhamma School is collaborated with YMBA Colombo and it is our expectation that all children will sit for YMBA exams.

Our Teachers

We have well educated and experienced pool of volunteers teaching Buddhism and Sinhala Language and are very closely guided by the Venerable Wanduramba Kassapa Thero. We also have access to a Dance Teacher (Traditional Sri Lankan Dancing) and a Music Teacher (Classical Sri Lankan Music).


How to Enroll?

If you are interested in sending your child to our Dhamma School, then please complete our  Online Registration Form

Prior to the admission, we will invite you and your child to a meeting with the head of our Dhamma School, Ven Wanduramba Kassapa Thero.

If you would like to learn more about the Dhamma School,


Dhamma School Structure


Extended Activities


New Student Welcome Pack


School Programme and Terms


Rules and Regulations